85% of Bosses Recognize an Employee Burnout Crisis, Fear Challenges Retaining Talent in 2024

A recent Fiverr article centered on the rise of the freelancer market highlights the burnout epidemic of full time employees as one reason for the surge (and expected increase).

They cite: “The burnout epidemic reached a new climax in 2023:

  • Over half (54%) of workers surveyed said they experienced burnout or mental health challenges due to work in the past year. This was even higher in industries such as Finance (58%) and IT (55%).

  • Alongside intense workloads (47%), employees cited toxic company culture (39%) and pressure from managers (41%) as reasons for burnout.

  • 40% of parents surveyed with dependent children under 18 living at home said managing childcare responsibilities and work was a cause of burnout.”

I argue that managers, workloads and toxic company culture are the scapegoat for a deeper internal reason for burnout: employees and managers do not have the skills to engage their stress and anxiety in a productive way. This is where the starting place of the decision intelligence pedagogy comes to play - in gaining the ability to identify the root cause of our pain versus solving for symptoms. I have run enough company engagement surveys in my days to know that even the combination of objective and subjective data does not the solve the problem of individuals inability to recognize their internal states. We all need help to unravel the complexity of the human experience.

Listen to the Locating the Root Cause episode to evaluate if you or your team members are falling victim to symptom-oriented solutions and learn how that can perpetuate problems and stress as a result.

Reach out to ChelseaAndNicoel@gmail.com to engage in the solution.


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