Human Decision Intelligence

Human Decision Intelligence is the practice of processing information in more human ways and becoming better users of our technology rather than becoming more like our technology. 

Human Decision Intelligence (HDI)

  • Focuses on the process of becoming a more intelligent decision-maker

  • Bridges the gap between human intelligence & machine intelligence

  • Addresses anxiety, stress, and lack of institutional trust as core factors in decision-making

  • Explores problem-solving in long-term and innovative ways

Development of Human Decision Intelligence

  • Dr Lorien Pratt, Chief Scientist and founder of Quantellia, introduced the concept of decision intelligence and later published a book (2019) establishing the field.

  • Ni’coel Stark developed decision-making frameworks and human decision intelligence technology within her blockchain VC fund, Block26.

  • Ni’coel Stark & Chelsea Makena vetted their human decision intelligence methodology in complex, global, matrixed organizations across industries.

  • Cassie Kozyrkov, Google’s first Chief Decision Office, formalized Decision Intelligence Engineering as a discipline.

  • The Center for HDI released the HDI methodology, which introduces six landscapes for practicing Human Decision Intelligence.

  • The Center for HDI released a pedagogy for learning and practicing Human Decision Intelligence.

  • The next, crucial advancement to the work of human decision intelligence is integrating the HDI framework into the world via partnered processing, practicums, and organization-wide integration.

Become a Cathedral Thinker

  • Gain a long-term, collective mindset to make decisions that benefit the future

  • Advance the human qualities of decision-making

  • Combat our loss of human skills: critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity

  • Push against social conditioning and systemic norms that are underdeveloped and less humane

  • Access new intel via advanced skills of curiosity and investigation

  • Capture emergent, less predictable information

  • Build strategies that hold up under the distinct pressures of modern existence

Practicing Human Decision Intelligence

Partnered Processing

The greatest value of learning and applying HDI is found in 1:1 partnered processing where trained experts engage your particulars (both internal personal and external organizational). Together, you navigate the complexity of your challenge and co-author strategies to solve your anxiety, solve the problems of your coworkers, and address organization-wide dilemmas.


Working with the HDI concepts within the context of specific individual lives and work circumstances solidifies skills. Practicums are both a great starting place to familiarize oneself with the concepts, learn the processing skills required to engage in HDI and gain objectivity about the process by noticing how it applies to other participants’ circumstances.

Organization-Wide Integration

New intelligence emerges when HDI is integrated across an organization. When multiple people are improving their decision-making, addressing their anxiety, and creating strategies that take into account relational and political dynamics, the organization as a whole benefits, and the value becomes exponential. Sourcing intel from across an organization maps dependency links, connects seemingly disparate intel, and results in new layers of intelligence that otherwise wouldn’t exist.


  • Learn how to solve anxieties

  • Find blindspots & biases

  • Gain self-trust

  • Solve problems outside areas of expertise

  • Build & deploy strategies that solve personal pain, coworkers’ pain, and organizational pain

  • Navigate broken systems with agency

  • Work within broken systems while simultaneously improving them

Stark Decision Intelligence Pedagogy

The Stark Pedagogy for Human Decision Intelligence introduces six core skills for learning HDI that address the hidden, human elements in our decision-making:

  • Locating root causes

  • Entering a mindset of playfulness

  • Applying Existential Math

  • Working with paradoxes

  • Existing in liminality

  • Becoming more human in a machine-driven world

These skills increase individuals’ ability to gather and analyze human intelligence from landscapes that are rich sources of non-standard intelligence. Becoming more humane and sapient decision-makers benefits what we build for our world and all people living in it.