Core Skills

These skills increase individuals’ ability to gather and analyze human intelligence from landscapes that are rich sources of non-standard intelligence. Learning how to apply the intelligence derived from these less conventional places benefits humanity as people become better humans and better decision-makers.

  • Locating the Root Cause

    In response to the immediacy of pain, people skip the diagnostic work of locating the source and address symptoms instead of their cause. Mastering the ability to address root causes becomes a crucial focal point in enhancing our human decision intelligence and reducing negative outcomes.

  • Playfulness & Playing the Fool

    The skills needed to engage in play may not be what you think. We discuss what we can learn from taking ourselves less seriously and how specific forms of play can fast-track trust and resilience and minimize risk, which significantly improve decision intelligence.

  • Existential Math

    Calculate the less visible and measurable data with Existential Math and improve upon our low standards and lacking strategies by accounting for human variables. Learning more advanced equations solves for business burdens more deeply and sustainably.

  • Working with Paradox

    Paradoxes represent spaces where seemingly contradictory intel coexists. Learning how to hold opposing views simultaneously offers us the chance to invert our assumptions, overcome binary thinking and gain insights from these rich places of new intelligence.

  • Existing In Liminality

    Liminality is where deep processing occurs and often gets sidestepped or entirely avoided. This avoidance hinders discovery and exploration where moments of confusion and feeling stopped play a crucial role in shaping people's understanding and decision-making abilities.

  • Becoming More Human

    Becoming more human (and resisting becoming machine like) is essential to up-skilling our decision intelligence strategies in the age of AI. As technology pushes us toward a mechanized existence, human processing is the fundamental point of failure and the core remedy.