51% of Employers Cited Employee Satisfaction as their Organization's Most Important Goal

Employee satisfaction has surpassed revenue generation as employers’ top goal. It’s refreshing to see companies facing the reality that without satisfied employees who stay, achieving revenue goals will remain a distant hope.

“IBI's survey found that 51% of employers cited employee satisfaction as their organization's most important goal, followed by cost mitigation/revenue generation (41%).”

The Integrated Benefit Institute recommends a “focus on skills and talent development” as one of the takeaways from these findings, but which skills?

If your experience of typical leadership development and manager skill building programs leaves much to be desired but you’re in one of the 51% of companies who recognizes employee satisfaction as a top priority… consider building the skills of decision intelligence as a way to break through to at-risk employees. There’s nothing more satisfying and engaging than attaining the skills to navigate complex environments and self-solve.

Learn more about our approach to skill building and how it’s Starkly different.

Reach out to ChelseaAndNicoel@gmail.com to engage in the solution.


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