Human Decision Intelligence introduces practices and mental landscapes to create the cathedral thinkers of our generation.

As we enter the Age of AI and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, human suffering and our lack of analytical skills are compounding in hidden ways. Individuals and society need to be equipped to adapt to rapid technological advancements and acclimate to new existential threats.

For this reason, human intelligence in contrast to machine intelligence is the priority.  

Human Decision Intelligence improves leaders' and learners' decision-making capabilities. It builds the human skills necessary to live in a world influenced by machines.

Cultural Observations

  • Products are increasingly prioritized over humanity in our world.

  • Society has become overly reliant on measurable data.

  • The lack of relationship skills is a persistent root cause of social and organizational issues.

  • A cultural bias “to fall in line” with existing standards and systems handicaps innovation and generational problem-solving.

  • Decision-makers have become overly dedicated to (an often illusory) sense of certainty and short-term thinking.

The Antidote


    Human Decision Intelligence invites decision-makers to return to our humanity, to prioritize human systems over machine systems, and to engage technology more intelligently. It introduces skills to support users of technology, equipping them to resist algorithms and mechanical designs that condition people to become products.


    Learning to value wonder over information returns us to human ways of collecting and evaluating the context of our world, and curiosity leads to intelligence that is less binary and less prescriptive. As we advance our ability to locate intelligence that is commonly overlooked, we gain greater accuracy in the decisions we make. And, in the practice of prioritizing wonder over information, we redefine our success criteria.


    Relational resilience develops when we use decision intelligence to overcome our impulses and resolve the root organizational or human cause of our pain instead of only the symptoms. Resilience and recovery are key measurements used to assess the health of athletes. We apply a similar framework when assessing the health of individuals and organizations. Human Decision intelligence builds relational resiliency and ensures growth in the context of an unpredictable and changing world. It also leads to durable and innovative outcomes.


    Deviating, in a positive way, from existing structures is a primary pathway to innovative thinking and transformation. People learn to locate the most essential (but less visible) elements in the decision-making process by deviating from the limitations of many conventional approaches. By addressing problems and solutions in both typical and atypical ways, we expand decision-making frameworks to meet the demands of the future. As we face the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, positive deviance and unexamined variables are not only the material of innovation but the material of a more humane world.